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Saturday, August 30, 2008

I felt like all of the painting was done in the same key....   All of it seemed too light, in a way that was in it's very beginning- too light.  Even if the goal it that lightness it seems fitting that (if for only formal reasons) to have dark in the painting to cover up.

It seems realer.  This seems like a painting I do.  There is more work to do too.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Some pray for rain- others snow. I'm praying for drying.

At certain times in my life I've found that progress is suitable- it's even good.  Like now.  I've spent some time mixing my own oil paint.  I've understood that oil takes longer to dry, but I keep running into patches that won't dry for now.  It's nauseating when looking at deadlines, and accommodating other work.